Welcome new member!
Congratulations! You are now officially a library member and are welcome here anytime!
Within the library you’'ll find professional resources and curated content to offer you the opportunity to pursue your dreams and build a sustainable and fulfilling life for yourself!
If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to connect with us! We’d be happy to help in any way we can.
READY TO explore the library?
When you click on a topic you’re interested, you’ll find a short summary of the lesson and options for how you’d prefer to learn.
We’re constantly working to expand these selections, because we know not every students learns and develops in the same ways and we want you to be able to choose what’s best for you. We highly recommend giving all options a try, as each are provided by different mentors and give a unique perspective on the lesson.
All lesson assignments will be available in the readable content, so if you’re ready to do the work needed to make some magic, be sure to click the READ IT button.
Want to send some love to the team? Share this “library card” on social media, tag @yourtruthfoundation and let us know what you’re working on!
Your library access password is:
This password gets changed monthly for your safety and security. If your code doesn’t work, try submit your email again and you’ll be directed to the latest password.
Copy the password, click the link below, and paste it in the password box on the next screen to access the library.